Aura Pictures

Aura Pictures & Chakra Imaging & Reports



Just like a x-ray machine identifies the broken bones and MRI machine can create precise images of muscle tears;  our chakra imaging software can pick up the stagnated energy from your energy field, both physical as well as auric fields.  This is a perfect tool for you to know if the therapy or healing session is working or not. It will give you a visual image of the change in the energy colors

Nine(9) images will be taken & processed, typically the session will last  around  one & half hours. We read the & major chakras as well as 72 minor chakras and  internal & external Aura. A written report & copy of images will be emailed to you. If you like you can follow the instructions and take images and then email it to use prior to setting an appointment. Click here for instructions on how to take images.

If you are interested in a healing session as well as a before and after picture please let us know ahead of time since additional time will need  to be scheduled. Please contact us for pricing and making an appointment.

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