How Crystals Heal

How Do Crystals Heal?
Crystal healing works on the principle that every cell in the body vibrates at its own specific frequency. When these natural frequencies become unbalanced, we experience dis-ease. Crystals emit a positive frequency that helps balance our own natural frequencies.
Like us, crystals draw life-giving forces out of the air. This life force includes all energy forces, including gravity, electricity and magnetism. Our natural inclination of our bodies is toward health, life and balance, but humans are changeable by nature and can therefore exude both positive and negative life force. Crystals are not so changeable and are constantly exuding a positive life force. A crystal can bring you back to a healthy vibration because of your body’s tendency to come into harmony with the more constant and harmonious vibration of the crystal.
Crystals oscillate to a natural healing frequency that is activated by mental energy (intentions). Crystals are a metaphor for perfect order and balance because of their unique symmetrical structure.
Powered by strong intention – either your own or that of your therapist – healing energy is channeled through the crystal from an inexplicable source, often referred to as the Universal Life Force (chi).
Intention is your thought energy that activates crystals to heal. Your own “strength of will” helps direct, focus and amplify the healing power of the Universal Life Force to stabilize the energies within your body.
Instead of analyzing, crystal healing relies on feelings and instincts. Instincts are often clouded by doubts in our modern society.Working with crystals is an intuitive process. With practice, you will be able to develop your inherent self-healing abilities.
Crystals are a metaphor for perfect order and balance because of their unique symmetrical structure.
UNIVERSAL LIFE ENERGY (chi/life-giving forces)
1. Permeates our body (aura)
2. Circulate atmosphere
3. Flows through the Earth
What Energy Do Crystals Have?
Crystals have an orderly, lattice-like internal crystalline structure. The exact structure is unique to each type, which is how crystals are identified.
Crystals are a metaphor for perfect order and balance because of their unique symmetrical structure.
Crystals are different than ordinary stone or rock because all of the atomic structure in a crystal is polarized. Because it is polarized, crystals can affect the flow or energy.
Like electricity and magnetism, crystal energy is a natural force we do not fully understand. We do know many characteristics of electricity and magnetism and accept these forces in our lives. In the same way, we can accept the potential of crystal energy.Like our own energy fields, crystals have energy fields, which can be sensed more successfully than it can be seen. Energy can be transferred between crystal energy and your own energy field.
Our bodies are largely water and water is particularly good at holding vibrational patterns. If your body’s vibrational state and your aura have been disturbed or overwhelmed by stronger vibrations such as environmental “smog”, this creates a subtle state of disease which, if not redressed, can ultimately take the form of physical or mental illness. Crystals gently realign patterns and subtle bodies, bringing them back into balance and creating a state of well-being.
How Do I use Crystals to Heal?
There are several ways you can use crystals to heal. Simply placing a stone in your presence will emit positive frequencies beneficial to your health. To take a more active approach, you can clean, charge, program and use various healing techniques. Here are a few ways you can use your crystals to heal:
- Place crystals on affected parts of the body
- Sweep crystals across your body to pull out disease and realign subtle bodies
- Wear crystals
- Use wands on meridian points (meridian-based therapy like Shiatsu or acupuncture)
- Use them in your bath (if you can use the particular crystal in water)
- Drink gem remedies (if the stone is non-toxic)
- Lay stones around body or bed in crystal grid or crystal layout
- Opening the chakras with wands over the energy body or placing directly on body
- Massage crystals on body
- Place in room for activating and circulating energy in atmosphere
- Give as gift to heal relationships and strengthen bonds
- Keep in your pocket, purse, pouch or in your aura
- Place according to Feng Shui