
Using a pendulum to gain answers.
The pendulum moves on the principle that it is reading your subconscious mind. Your subconscious has all the answers, but your conscious mind does not readily read. Crystals help to discern these answers. You can use any crystal pendulum for dowsing.
1. Hold the pendulum by the tip of the chain between your thumb & forefinger of your giving hand (right for right-handed).
The pendulum moves on the principle that it is reading your subconscious mind. Your subconscious has all the answers, but your conscious mind does not readily read. Crystals help to discern these answers. You can use any crystal pendulum for dowsing.
1. Hold the pendulum by the tip of the chain between your thumb & forefinger of your giving hand (right for right-handed).
2. Hold the pendulum over your receiving hand.
3. Relax, be comfortable.
4. Focus your intent on the pendulum and ask it outloud or silently, “Which way is YES?” The pendulum will move one way.
5. Tell it to “STOP”.
6. Focus your intent on the pendulum and ask it out loud or silently, “Which way is NO?” The pendulum will move the other way.
7. You can now ask it YES or NO questions.
Note: You may need to practice focusing your intent or trying out different pendulums to see which one corresponds best with your energies.
Fact: Professional dowsers are often called to detect where negative electromagnetic energy is strongest. Example, certain mineral concentrations coming into contact with underground streams may cause harmful electromagnetic currents.
Pendulum Energy Flows
3. Relax, be comfortable.
4. Focus your intent on the pendulum and ask it outloud or silently, “Which way is YES?” The pendulum will move one way.
5. Tell it to “STOP”.
6. Focus your intent on the pendulum and ask it out loud or silently, “Which way is NO?” The pendulum will move the other way.
7. You can now ask it YES or NO questions.
Note: You may need to practice focusing your intent or trying out different pendulums to see which one corresponds best with your energies.
Fact: Professional dowsers are often called to detect where negative electromagnetic energy is strongest. Example, certain mineral concentrations coming into contact with underground streams may cause harmful electromagnetic currents.
Pendulum Energy Flows
Use only a Quartz crystal to check accurate energy flows of chakras.
1. Hold the pendulum by the tip of the chain between your thumb & forefinger of your receiving hand (left for right-handed; right for left-handed).
2. Relax, be comfortable.
3. Let the pendulum rotate over the client’s chakras.
You want each chakra to be rotating in a large, clockwise motion.
Use only a Quartz crystal to check accurate energy flows of chakras.
1. Hold the pendulum by the tip of the chain between your thumb & forefinger of your receiving hand (left for right-handed; right for left-handed).
2. Relax, be comfortable.
3. Let the pendulum rotate over the client’s chakras.
You want each chakra to be rotating in a large, clockwise motion.
For more information about the meaning of individual chakra energy rotations, sign up for a crystal healing class or session!